Arrived Adelaide plus some
Position: 34 47.60 S 138 29.37 E My blog update is a bit overdue and I hope I have not caused any concern. We arrived at the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron at a little before seven on Friday morning after a quiet overnight sail. The breeze had been very light but once we were out of the Southern Ocean swell and into the relative shelter of St Vincent Gulf, Sylph sailed nicely making good between two and four knots for most of the night. After waiting just outside the outer harbour for a large container ship to depart, I proceeded to the RSAYS berth that had been assigned to Sylph only to find that it was occupied. I moved around to the visitor’s berths but they were also full. I then tied up to an empty berth on the end of one of the marina fingers to wait for the office to open but just as I was tying up a pilot boat came in, tooted its horn and indicated that this was their berth. Bother! I felt a bit like Batman trying to unload a bomb (sorry Sylph, you are not a bomb). I moved to the end of the next finger along, unoccupied for the moment, and went for a short walk. Once the office opened at nine I was assigned another berth where we now are and will be over Christmas. Since arriving in Adelaide I have been out to my brother John’s place in the Adelaide hills where I enjoyed the company of my brothers, John, Peter, and Mark (Mark had flown in from Melbourne two days previous) and our conversation went into the small hours of the next day. I got back on board yesterday afternoon still a little weary so crashed early and regretfully forgot to update my blog until now. This afternoon I will be heading back out to John’s place to celebrate Christmas with more kith and kin. To all(?) my readers I wish you a happy holiday season. All is well. |