A Study in Stoicism (or lack thereof)

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 15 Mar 2013 02:02
Wind: South west F1 light air
Seas: slight Swell: South west, 2-3 meters
Weather: partly cloudy
Day's run (since 20.00): 12 nm
Progress has been very disappointing. The winds have been very light and every mile to the west is being painfully wrought from what little wind there is. For now we drift, as there is insufficient wind to keep the sails full in the still sizeable swell which is running. Unfortunately it does not look like we are not going to get any wind until tomorrow and when it comes it will be strong and pretty much a head wind as we will not have made it far enough west by then to be able to bear away before it. I sense that this is going to be very unpleasant.
And the longer range forecast does not look promising either. Once this southerly passes the wind will go light for a day or so then swing into the north, by which time we will be wanting to go north. Next Friday is looking like a very long way away.
I am studying the Stoics just at the moment in my philosophy studies. I can't say it is helping very much. I shall have to practice my Senecan praemeditatio. Arrgh!
All is well.