Heading South

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 26 May 2015 01:31
At anchor off Kumeagon Island
Wind: North West, F4, moderate breeze.
Weather: sunny, mild
Day's run: 32 nm
I had planned to get under way at around eight this morning at slack high water, but when I tried to depart I found that the tide was still flooding and holding us firmly onto the fishing boat that we were berthed alongside of. So I went and paid Harald a visit, had a cup of tea and a chin wag with him to kill some time, and then a little after nine o'clock tried again. This time, with a bit of assistance from Harald pushing Sylph off with an old stick, we were able to get away no problem.
It was calm in the harbour, but once clear of Digby Island's lee we found clean air and a light south westerly breeze which had us sailing nicely, further assisted by the now ebbing tide. During the day the wind gradually freshened and veered into the north west, as forecast, which allowed us to run into Grenville Channel mostly running square, but with quite few gybes as we wound our way around the numerous small islands and shoals that are scattered about.
At 17.00 we were approaching Kumearon Island, just to the north of which lies a nice little bay, providing good shelter from the prevailing wind. I procrastinated for a bit as to whether to go to anchor or to make use of the fair breeze and tide (now flooding again and in our favour). We had plenty of daylight left but the next anchorage involved a bit of a detour and was much deeper than I like, so I decided to retire early, have a good night's rest and an early start in the morning.
All is well.