Arrived Antofagasta

Position: 23 38.56 S 070 23.98 W This morning we weighed anchor to a light breeze, we sailed for a few hours but at 11 the wind was dieing and as we were wanting to arrive in Antofagasta at a reasonable hour so we had plenty of time to complete the necessary formalities before Christmas day we started the engine. Motoring past the ship harbour breakwater we negotiated the rock strewn entrance of the small boat harbour and were then directed by a boat from the yacht club to drop anchor. It seems there was no room at the marina and we would have to wait until later in the afternoon for them to sort something out for us. They were supposed to return at 3 p.m., someone eventually arrived at four and I was very grateful to have Martina with me otherwise I would have had great difficulty working out what they wanted us to do, namely to drop an anchor and manoeuvre Sylph into the pontoon to moor Mediterranean style. This we duly did with minimal fuss and we are now secure alongside for Christmas. With our first line across we were greeted by a small welcoming committee and immediately invited to the birthday celebration of a Dutchman on the boat, Nightfly. Here we met all the yachties, namely some Swedes - Jan, his wife, his daughter, and the daughter’s Chilean boyfriend, and an elderly Alaskan, John, sailing a 30 foot Colin Archer style boat. Now we are back on board about to enjoy a Christmas curry. All is well. Merry Christmas. _/) ~~~~_/)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_/)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~ |