A Successful Presentation

Position: Moored Rushcutters Bay, Port
Jackson Not much to report for the last week as most of my time has been taken up with preparing the presentation about last year's non-stop single-handed voyage for my club, the RAN Sailing Association. I gave the talk on Friday night and I am pleased to say that we had a good crowd of around eighty people and that it was well received. Now that that little chore is out of the way I can get back to attending to Sylph's needs. To that end, today I changed the engine oil and filter, a little earlier than needed but I figure seeing as the engine has been recently overhauled, a shorter change interval would reduce the likelihood of excessive wear in the newly fitted bearing surfaces. The winds are forecast to be in the north for most of the week, but turn southerly on Friday, so maybe we will continue north then. Though we won't be going very far as I have a commitment in Port Macquarie on 25 July, the keel laying ceremony for Young Endeavour II, and Port Macquarie is only 165nm north of Sydney. I shall just have to shift into relaxed cruising mode for the next couple of months. All is well. |