New Year Sail

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 1 Jan 2023 08:55
1800 Position: 34 56.9 S 137 52.6
Course: SE Speed 4 knots Wind: S F5 Sea: slight Swell: negligible Weather: sunny and warm Day's run: 25 nm I enjoyed a pleasant new year's eve in the company of some fellow sailors from the Squadron at the Port Vincent marina barbecue, though, given that I had to row back to Sylph, I chose not to stay to see in the new year, but rather hiked back to the dinghy that was hauled up on the beach, and rowed back to Sylph, to be back on board at around 2130. This morning, after a quick dip, breakfast, and a perusal of the weather forecast, I decided to get underway and try to head further south down the Gulf. My destination is still indeterminate. I am tossing up between Edithburgh and Rapid Bay. Edithburgh is only about ten miles away and with the fresh S'ly breeze that has picked up, we could be tucked away behind its sheltering sand spit by around 2100. Rapid Bay on the other hand is some 35 miles to the SE on the other side of the Gulf which we would not get to until tomorrow morning. However, Rapid Bay will provide better protection than Edithburgh from the strong Se'lies that are forecast for the next several days. Currently both options are open but I am inclined to bite the bullet and continue on overnight towards Rapid Bay. The wind should ease as we get over the other side of the Gulf and I reckon I will be more relaxed once we are tucked in behind the cliffs of Rapid Head. I suspect Oli would have preferred if we had headed back to the Squadron marina. All is well. |