Arrived Port Phillip

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 23 Apr 2013 06:56
At Anchor Hobsons Bay, Port Phillip
Wind: South F3 gentle breeze
Sea: slight Swell: nil
Weather: overcast, cool
Day’s run: 161 nm
We enjoyed another good day’s run, so all up we have had an excellent run all the way from Adelaide, taking a total of only five days which includes two nights at Kangaroo Island, so it only took us four days of sailing. That would have to be the best run we have had between Adelaide and Melbourne, either way.
Arriving at Port Phillip Heads this morning 10.15, we carried the last of the flood tide through the Western Channel and into the open expanse of the bay. From here it was a relatively leisurely sail to Hobsons Bay where we came to anchor at just after three this afternoon. My plan is to have quiet night (I hope) at anchor tonight and catch up with my brother Mark tomorrow.
All is well.