Shoreside Week Three
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 18 Jul 2022 10:45
Weather: showers, cool
An engine rebuild kit including four oversized pistons has been ordered. I hope to have the kit by the end of the week then the machine shop can hone the block's cylinders to fit the pistons. The injectors and the fuel injection pump are with a diesel specialist being repaired and serviced. With luck I may have these various bits of engine back sometime next week. We will then be able to start putting it all back together again.
Meanwhile on Monday I managed to get the forestay off with the assistance of one of the Squadron members. Thank you Luke. Unfortunately it looks like it is going to take a few weeks to get the forestay replaced.
Painting patches on the upper deck continues on the dry days and getting things reorganised below occurs on the rainy days.
My current estimate is that Sylph will be ready for sea again aroung the end of August.
And Oli mostly eats and sleeps.
All is well.