
anchor Baie Hane Moe Noa, Tahuata
Wind: East, F2-4 light air to moderate breeze Weather: mostly sunny, warm Yesterday I finished the spot of painting I had been working on and this morning I went around to my neighbors on Tormenta and Casse-Tete to take orders for supplies from the nearby village. At 9 a.m. we were underway and after a very pleasant sail down the coast a short ways we sailed to anchor in Baie Vaitahu. For such a short sail I had left the dinghy in the water which also makes for increased relaxation with an unobstructed view from the cockpit. There are two small shops in Vaitahu and I had to visit both to obtain everything on my lists, but the lists were also short so it didn't take long and I was soon back on board and enjoying the short brisk sail back, the island's lee providing for smooth water but nonetheless a good breeze still managed to find its way over and around the island. It felt great standing on the windward side of the cockpit with Sylph heeling well over, gunwale awash, steering with my foot. Sylph might be a bit on the heavy side but she is still fun to sail in these conditions. Once again we sailed into the bay negotiating our way around Tormenta and Casse-Tete, coming to anchor a little after midday, whereupon essential supplies, the most essential being the beer (expensive here!), were duly distributed. All is well. |