An Excellent Sail

Position: 34 02.0 S 075 38.0 WCourse: West Speed: 7 Wind South F5 moderate breeze Weather: Sunny Days Run: 161 miles. Last night the gentle breeze continued to fill in so that by midnight we had a steady force five. With the mainsail reefed and the genoa partly furled Sylph surged along at a steady six and half knots. Today the wind has remained steady, and having worked our way to the south of the rhumb line we have been able to ease sheets such that we are now on a beam reach and making good a steady seven knots. It has been an excellent day’s sail. All is well. Bob Cat: Well I can’t say I am overly impressed with the day, the abode has acquired a permanent lean to one side and is moving around continuously, not at all conducive to my vocation. Still the sun has been shining and with grim determination I made my way to the patio, which being too wet and slippery, was uninhabitable so I tried the sun deck instead. Here perched up under cover at least I was out of the spray and wind with the sun slanted in nicely. I spent a few hours there but eventually the sunbeam moved and I have retired down below. Some unknown species of fish remains remain in my bowl, a barely tolerable substitute. …. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |