
Position: 41 26.04 S 147 07.89 E The tides have been gradually getting later due to the lunar cycle and also because of the increasing lag as we have gotten further up the Tamar River. Consequently, instead of using the afternoon tide as we have been doing, today we decided to use the morning tide and we got underway at first light to head, as it turned out, the rest of the way up the river to Launceston. We arrived at just after ten to berth at the Seaview Marina, by which time the tide was ebbing quite strongly. This required a little negotiating with the marina as to which berth we were assigned and we tied up to the Boy Scout’s pontoon for a short while, while said negotiations were being discussed. But everything was soon sorted with the marina giving us a berth that did not involve a tight turn between a footbridge and a bunch of yachts that would likely have seen us skewered on their bows. Since our arrival we have visited the Tamar River Yacht Club and spoken with the yard manager, Scott. I am pleased to say that we have now arranged to haul out on Thursday. The river at low tide here is nothing but mud. We were warned that we would likely be touching bottom at low tide and this has indeed proven to be the case but, fortunately, it is only about a foot less than Sylph’s draft, so Sylph still stands upright in the berth, just with a little nose down attitude. All is well. |