Shore Routine
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 27 Jun 2022 10:31
Weather: mostly sunny, cool
Now that we are back alongside and will not be going to sea for a little while, I am trying to settle into a shore routine. My focus will be on getting Sylph ready for sea again and hopefully for another adventure. Towards that goal, over the weekend I got the mobile phone reconnected and picked up Sylph's support vehicle from my sister's place (thank you Jenny and Colin for taking care of it). With communications and transport sorted, today I started on the more urgent items, namely getting the mainsail off to the sail maker for some repairs and starting to dismantle the engine. And the wheels have been set in motion to have the ship's cat, Oli, returned to his proper station (thank you Ross for taking such good care of him).
I will aim to provide a weekly update to my blog from here just to keep it ticking over until we are ready for Sylph's next adventure, wherever that might take us.
All is well.