Day 50 ...

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 1 Feb 2022 19:39
Course: E Speed: 6 knots
Wind: W by N, F5 Sea: moderate
Swell: WSW 2.5 meters
Weather: overcast, cool, foggy patches with visibility reduced to 500
Day's Run: 119nm
I think I will let the numbers do the talking today - we have now been fifty
days at sea, sailed some 5,860 miles and have less than 1000 miles to the
Thus far we have been relatively lucky with the weather though it is almost
certain that Cape Horn will not let us past without paying some due homage.
I just hope we encounter her in a good mood.
For now we continue to run wing-on-wing, one reef in the main, 80 % jib
poled to starboard, before a twenty knot westerly.
Distance to Cape Horn: 980nm.
All is well.