Harbour Sails

Anchored Blackwattle Bay, Port
Jackson This week I submitted Sylph's 2021 survey to the CYCA and await advice as to whether it will satisfy their requirements. Fingers crossed as if it does it will save me about $1,000. I have finished treating some minor rust spots on deck so we have had the opportunity to so some short day sails on Sydney Harbour. On Friday we sailed to Manly and stayed overnight on a public mooring. We went for another sail on Saturday, a brief sojourn out the Heads, but when we got back to Manly all the public moorings were taken. We then sailed back up the harbour looking for a free mooring but they were all occupied so we ended up anchoring once more in Rushcutters Bay just west of Darling Point. And today we went for another sail, down the harbour as far as Manly again (once more the moorings were all taken) then back up the harbour dodging the hustle and bustle of the Sunday afternoon traffic and have ended up all the way back in Blackwattle Bay. While Blackwattle Bay is a bit out of the way one big thing in its favour is that motor vessel traffic is minimal so it is very calm. We look forward to a peaceful evening. All is well. |