Still On Target

Alongside Fukuoka At this stage we remain on target to depart Fukuoka on Saturday. This morning I went into the Department of Transport to apply to visit a couple of closed ports en route to Kushiro. The permit will be ready on Friday morning. When I got back to the marina the new Hydrovane unit had already arrived. It has been raining too heavily to start fitting it, but I opened the boxes to make sure everything was there and found to my surprise that not only was everything there but they had sent an extra bit, namely a new rudder as well. This is a bit of a nuisance actually as now I will have to organise its return. I have suggested to Hydrovane that I keep it on board and return it to them when I get to Canada, as this will save them shipping costs and save me having to mess around organising the shipping. The rain is forecast to clear tomorrow so, with luck, by the end of the day the new windvane will be fitted and ready to go. It looks beautiful. Now I really must try and get the first draft of my essay completed. The essay is due at the end of the month and so far I have a lot of words on paper, but as yet they do not amount to anything near a coherent argument. Maybe a glass of wine will help loosen the cognitive cogs a bit, but not too much. The only thing I am behind on is repairing the damaged spray cloth, but this is less important than my essay right now. All is well.