Passing Punta Eugenia

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 17 Jan 2016 20:40
Noon Position: 27 36.3 N 115 40.3 W
Course: south-east Speed: 5.5 knots
Wind: north-west, F4 - moderate breeze
Sea: slight Swell: west, 1.5 meters
Weather: sunny, mild
Day's run: 140 nm

We have enjoyed a very pleasant sail overnight, with a fair and faithful breeze allowing us to make a good day's run in comfort. We ran square, wing on wing, staying well offshore to remain clear of navigational hazards and small fishing boats which I expect are likely to frequent the inshore waters at night, and also because my routing software recommended an offshore route as being the fastest for the conditions.

At nine this morning we rounded Punta Eugenia and, despite being some thirty miles offshore, Monte Eugenio stood clear above the distant morning haze. With the Cape behind us we altered course to the south-east, putting the wind slightly abaft the beam, a broad reach. Accordingly, I dropped the pole and allowed the genoa to draw to starboard. Now we roll gently to the sea and swell, making a comfortable five to six knots. The sun is shining, the sky is cloudless and blue, the weather mild. It feels good to have put a few miles behind us, that much closer to where my soul needs to be.

All is well.