Sunday 10 August – Crab Feast

Alongside Humboldt Harbor, Sand Point, Popof Island It has been a long day mostly spent on the dock repairing the anchor windlass. It was well overdue for a major service. I recall that I made an emergency repair to it back in the Chilean channels in 2010, when a shaft locking key fell out of its way. I repaired it with a bit of sawn off spanner, the original having fallen into the bottom of the winch housing (I recovered it when I dismantled the winch yesterday). The winch has also been leaking oil badly for quite a while now, so, to be honest, I have rather been pushing my luck in not servicing it sooner. Having said this servicing the winch is no small job and, with so many other things that have needed my attention, while it has been in working order it has not attracted my attention. I worked solidly through the day up to seven this evening to get the winch all back together. Though RC and I did take a break to enjoy a bit of crab feast for lunch. Yesterday one of the local fisherman gave me a couple of fresh crabs which needed cooking up. I steamed them in the pressure cooker and they came out well cooked and delicious. I ate them over the galley as cracking crab shells is rather a messy business, while RC sat quietly at my feet waiting for his share in the feast, which he duly received. RC is funny. When I open a can, it doesn't matter what it is, he goes half crazy, but otherwise he has learnt to be patient when I am getting his meal. The anchor winch now appears to be working smoothly, I just need to bolt it back down to the foredeck – tomorrow's job, so we will definitely be here until at least Tuesday. All is well. |