Heading North
Noon position: 17 04.6 S 146 02.6 E Yesterday we departed Dunk Island at 1000 and made for Mourilyan Harbour. Mourilyan Harbour is small commercial port from which sugar is shipped. There is not a lot there except lots of mossies: however, the entrance is so grand, with steep-rising wooded hills either side of it narrow mouth, that I can never resist the urge to stop there just for the experience of passing through its headlands. Therefore, we duly entered the harbour and dropped anchor on the edge of the ship turning basin at 1445, then enjoyed a relaxing afternoon and evening. In fact, I was so relaxed I forgot to write up the blog. This morning I awoke early and with a long passage ahead of us, at 0605 I weighted anchor as quietly as I could so as not to disturb Kate, started the engine (always a bit noisy), and motored out into the grey dawning sea, and set sail to the freshening south east breeze. Now the wind has freshened from the south east and we are running square, you guessed it, wing-on-wing, with a single reef in the mainsail. Our next stop … not sure actually. We will see where we end up. All is well. |