A Busy Day

At anchor Bahia Cumberland, Robinson Crusoe Island This morning I went ashore to do some much needed laundry at a nearby small creek (laundry is one of those boat chores that is always piling up and is therefore always much needed). Back on board in the afternoon I had a visit from three of the crew members of Kupera to compare passage notes. They were hoping to cross the Pacific in the middle of the cyclone season and I spent much of the afternoon trying to dissuade them from the idea. The skipper seemed pretty determined, it seems they feel they have to keep moving and apparently need to be in Australia by January. I think I have at least influenced them to modify their route somewhat. In the course of our conversation we discovered that Audrey and I had something in common, we are both retired naval officers, both specialising in Anti-Submarine Warfare except with the big difference that to all intents and purposes we had been enemies, he on the side of the USSR and me on the side of the West. We enjoyed a good laugh about this. What a silly world it is. As we were poring over weather charts, passage planning books and notes on my computer another boat came alongside, it was Allen with one of his work mates and their ladies. So it got to be quite a gathering on board old Sylph. I do not recall when she has had such a crowd on board. It was very nice to have the company. But by 6 p.m.everyone had left and now all is now quiet again. BC is still with us, sleeping peacefully. All is well.
Bob Cat: …. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |