Light Winds, Lumpy Swell

Noon Position: 38 06.0 S 140 22.6
E We enjoyed a fresh following breeze for most of yesterday which had us making good an average of six knots. However, overnight the breeze has gradually eased and backed into the SW. Now we have the jib poled to starboard, the code zero set to port and one reef in the mainsail to reduce the slatting as Sylph rolls in the short steep swell with insufficient breeze to keep the sails full. The wind is forecast to remain light until tomorrow afternoon, so, while we enjoyed a good day's run over the last 24 hours, I expect tomorrow's daily run will be much lower. On the plus side, the wind direction at least remains favourable for the next several days and hopefully the swell will settle down as the light winds continue. We have 217 miles to go to Port Phillip Heads - ETA late Saturday/early Sunday. All is well. |