Departed Elliston

Position: 35 41.6 S 134 44.5 E We enjoyed a quiet day with mostly calm conditions yesterday, but overnight the wind freshened from the north. This morning I was tempted to stay another day and wait for the breeze to return to the south; however, after a quick dip to wake up, I decided I had pretty much exhausted the attractions of Elliston for now and it was time to move on. I stowed the dinghy on deck and at 1000 started the engine, got the anchor in, then motored into the wind while still in the shelter of Waterloo Bay and set the mainsail with two reefs. Once I was satisfied Sylph was ready for sea, we lined up the exit leads on the jetty and motor sailed through the narrow gap in the reefs that guard Waterloo Bay. When we were well clear of the rolling swells that were breaking white on either side of us, I set the jib, shut down the engine and adjusted course for Flinders Island. The wind eased as we cleared Waterloo Bay and our speed dropped to under four knots so I shook out the second reef. In the last half hour, as forecast, the wind has backed into the WNW and freshened. The wind is forecast to continue to back into the south as a small low pressure cell passes to the south of us. My plan is to pass to the south of Topgallant Island then to the south of Flinders Island, then sail up its west coast before making our way to anchor somewhere on its north coast. All is well. |