So Farr So Good and Mary Lee
Position: 25 55.75 S 153 01.53
E So Farr So Good did not get to anchor until after dark last night so Mark and I agreed to postpone our gam until the morrow. Accordingly, after allowing Mike enough time to take the ship's dogs ashore for a walk (yes Oli, cats are superior seafarers to dogs), I rowed over at 0930 for a pleasant morning socialising with So Farr So Good's crew, especially with Mike and Emily's 3 ½ year old daughter, Maya, a highly sociable small person who has clearly adapted to life on a boat with the greatest of ease. Back on Sylph just before midday, I started the engine, got the anchor in, and we motored up the inlet against the moderate S'ly breeze but with a making tide, seven miles to pick up a mooring adjacent the red hulled Mary Lee, a near sister to Sylph. Her current caretaker, Mark, was waiting for us ready to hand us the mooring line from his dinghy. After ensuring Sylph was secure at the mooring, I rowed over to Mary Lee where Mark and I spent the remainder of the afternoon having another pleasant gam, talking about all things nautical, in particular about the things Sylph and Mary Lee have in common, as well as the many subtle differences. Tomorrow Mark is going to help me with a bit of shopping and afterwards I look forward to sharing the evening meal with him on board Sylph where we can continue our seemingly inexhaustible supply of nautical anecdotes. All is well. |