
Noon Position: 24 54.8 S 152
54.8 E This morning we awoke to a light S'ly breeze. So, after breakfast I hoisted the dinghy on board, started the engine and weighed anchor. Once the anchor was secured I got the mainsail up then bore away to the NW with the SW wind on our beam and set the code zero. An hour later the breeze had freshened to force four and Sylph was making good six knots. Expecting the wind to freshen further and not wanting to be caught out with the code zero up in strong breeze, I handed the large red sail and set the jib in its place with no significant loss of speed. Now the breeze has eased slightly and I am tempted to set the code zero again; however, as mentioned, the wind is forecast to freshen later and five knots is a respectable speed for Sylph so for now we will leave things be. Apart from a few onions, we have run out of fresh food, not having resupplied since Tin Can Bay, so the plan is to make for the next convenient victualling stop, which looks like Rosslyn Bay. Bundaberg and Gladstone are closer but in my books they do not rate as being particularly convenient, Bundaberg being several miles up a river and Gladstone being a very busy port and also located several miles up a large tidal estuary. I will see how we go overnight and reassess the situation tomorrow morning. Numerous whales about. All is well. |