Under Way via Middle Percy

Noon Position: 21 57.0 S 150 25.0 E Kate and I enjoyed our time in Mackay catching up with Michael. I am glad we stopped by as I have no idea when I will have another opportunity to see my brother again. Clearly, as we get older these things become more precarious and therefore more precious. But, come Monday morning, it was time for us to continue south once more. At 0645 we let go all lines and motored around to the fuel dock where we took on precisely one hundred litres of diesel. >From there we motored out of Mackay Harbour and set sail to a gentle north-east breeze and spent the rest of the day reaching at a steady five plus knots. With northerly winds forecast for the next several, we are not under any pressure to make lots of miles so last night we proceeded to anchor in Rescue Bay on the south side of Middle Percy Island at 2145 to enjoy a good night’s sleep. This morning we awoke to another perfect sailing day. So, while the beach and the large sand drift standing high and white beyond it looked inviting, the chance of another good day’s sailing was even more attractive. Thus, at 0735, I cranked the anchor chain in with Sylph’s still manual anchor winch, hoisted the mainsail, unrolled the jib and trimmed sail and the windvane self-steering for a south easterly course. Not sure where we will stop next. Likely Great Keppel Island. All is well. |