Rain, No Wind

Position: 53 56.81 S 071 41.16 W Ah what luxury! No shore lines, no anchor to haul up, all we had to do to get underway this morning was to slip the big mooring line over the side. But before getting underway I nimbly climbed the mast, well as nimbly as a 50 something can manage, for a rigging check which seemed a good idea after yesterday’s blow. All seemed fine aloft as far as I could see so just before nine we hoisted the mainsail and dropped the mooring line. A light breeze blew us out of the sound for a little ways before dying off, I started the motor and we chugged our way slowly back out into the channel. As we got towards the entrance I set the jib only to see that one of its seams had opened up. No point going very far with this small rent in the sail, it would only get worse, so what to do? - go back to the mooring or fix it now. I chose the latter, dropped the sail to the foredeck, grabbed needle and palm and began sewing in the light drizzle as Sylph drifted slowly going nowhere in the very light breeze. As I sewed the moist canvs the light drizzle gradually got heavier and developed into steady rain, and the wind faded to nothing. It took me close to two hours to sew up the damage by which time I was rather wet despite my foul weather clothing. But the job was done and the sail back up and furled. With still no wind I decided to continue slowly motoring up the channel until we found some or arrived at the next convenient anchorage. The latter came first, we have motored for close to four hours today and are now anchored in Caleta Murray. The wind has picked up, but too late to make any use of. Hopefully we will have some wind, and not too much, tomorrow and will be able to make a few more inches up Estrecho de Magallanes. All is well. Bob Cat: The beast which lives beneath the floor boards seemed pretty happy today, purring away for a few hours. Well I agree with the beast, it was quite a pleasant day today, no leaning over or being thrown about. A bit of sunshine would have been nice, and of course a bit of tuna, but now the beast has gone back to sleep and the heater is on. I think I will join the beast …. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |