Rain, Rain and More Rain
Alongside Club Nautico Reloncavi, Puerto Montt The last several days have been very unproductive. It has done nothing but rain on and off for the whole time we have been here. I have been waiting for a hard stand area to become available which as of yesterday has happened. We were going to haul out yesterday morning but it was blowing a gale and the yard manager and I agreed it woudl be wise to postpone to today. It is still quite windy outside, and raining, but not as bad as yesterday. I have tried to make some enquiries about hauling out in Valparaiso but have had no response. I am told it is more expensive there but it seems a false economy to haul out somewhere cheap if it is going to do nothing but rain non-stop. We shall see. Bob Cat: The last several days have been extremely productive; the heater has been on, the food has been quite acceptable (always room for improvement), the abode has been still and consequently I have had almost undisturbed sleep the whole time. May it long continue … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |