Bound for?
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 10 Aug 2009 13:35
Course: Northwest Speed: 2.5 knots
Wind: West sou' west, light
Weather: Sunny, warm
Bob Cat and I enjoyed a bit of a sleep in this morning, which perhaps is nothing out of the ordinary for BC though he did seem unusually content curled up next to me. I was in no hurry to get up as we had to wait for the side before we could leave port, by my calculations not until about 2 pm, and we were going to spend at least one night at sea which means virtually no sleep in these waters. We departed th marina just after one and proceeded to the fuel dock, took on some fuel but did not fill the tanks hoping that we might find somewhere cheaper down the road. Went to buy some engine oil but the chandlery wanted 50 Euros for 5 litres, I can't say I have ever heard of oil being that expensive anywhere so promptly put the oil back on the shelf. I had a quick bite luch alongside the fuel dock to kill a little time then got underway, motoring out of the over-towering breakwaters of the harbour mouth and into the shallows of the Belgian coast.
We are getting very close to the Dover Straits now - about 60 miles away - but the wind is light and from the wrong direction so I doubt whether we will get through tonight. If the wind gets too light, especially when the tidal stream is against us, and the stream can get quite strong, I may try and find a sand bar to anchor over.
I am not sure where we will stop next, I looked at the charts and guides last night but despite the big French names like Dunkerque and Calais, from the perspective of a poor itinerant yachty nothing looked too appealing, no harbours or bays with anchorages, and I do want to make some ground south if possible and avoid expensive marinas. So for now I will make the most of the conditions and see where we end up before I run out of puff and need a rest.
All is well.
Bob Cat:
I think Elbuort might have been a bit piqued last night, not too happy about the gas it seems, this might mean troublE. Elbuort appears to have appeared at the same time as that young American fellow. I wonder if there is a correlation? Pity he didn't take him home with him and left that nice red suitcase behind instead. Meanwhile skipper Bob seems blissfully unaware of Elbuort's presence. What to do? I try to let him know in the middle of the night, with my loud plaintive cries but I my efforts are not appreciated, the skipper just threatens to throw something at me. Oh well for now, peace and quiet, the gentle bobbing of the boat, a soft creaking of a sheet, perfect for .. Zzzzzzzz.