Heading South - Soon

Position: Moored Chowder Bay, Sydney Now that the sails are all in order I am hoping to head south to spend some time in the Jervis Bay region. During the week the forecast had been looking good for leaving Sydney today so yesterday we moved to Quarantine Beach so as to be in a good position to exit the Heads, but now gale force winds are forecast for tomorrow at about the time I wanted to be making my way into the entrance to Crookhaven River. It is a very narrow entrance with which I am not familiar and leaves little room for error so I have decided to postpone departure for a day or two until conditions are a more benign. This morning I sailed the short distance from Quarantine Beach to Chowder Bay, which is much better sheltered from the west and north west, the expected direction of the strong winds, then is Quarantine Beach. It is a scenic bay with a verdant park at its head. I will row ashore for a leg stretch and explore later this afternoon. All is well.
Photos of Chowder Bay: