Back at Rushcutters Bay

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 1 Nov 2012 17:24
Position: 33 52.13 S 151 13.59 E
We managed to escape the clutches of the boatyard last week. Now we
are back on a mooring at Rushcutters Bay. I still have quite a bit of work
to do, such as wiring up the navigation lights on the mast, but will get
everything sorted out within the next couple of weeks.
I have been busy over the last week or so trying to write essays. I
thought I would give online university a go, but I think all I have learnt so
far is that I should stick to sailing.
The plan from here is to sail to Adelaide to visit family for Christmas,
then finish off the refit (still need to get the hull surveyed), then hopefully
find another horizon to cross.
All is well.
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