
35 39.39 S
137 38.57
E Today dawned bright and calm, ideal for a run into Kingscote. After breakfast, at 0750 I started the engine, got the anchor in, and we motored the short distance across Kingscote Harbour to anchor 150 meters to the south of the old RO-RO jetty (currently being decommissioned according to a recent notice to mariners) off Kinscote less than thirty minutes later. Once Sylph was secured, I got the dinghy in the water and rowed ashore to a small bit of beach where I was greeted by the local elder (so he said), who welcomed me to the island. Due courtesies paid, I made my way to the supermarket for some fresh supplies. That chore completed, I now need to decide what to do with the rest of the day. Conditions are calm and the forecast is for the wind to remain light until tomorrow afternoon, so I reckon I will stay here tonight, perhaps go ashore for a meal at one of the pubs this evening, then later tomorrow, when the wind picks up, we will start making our way back to Adelaide. Oli sleeps. All is well. |