Alongside Breakwater Marina, Townsville

Position: 19 15.13 S 146 49.38
E I had a relaxing day yesterday doing a few boat chores then in the afternoon rowing ashore for a leg stretch and a beer at one of the beach side pubs, then back on board for dinner and a movie. This morning, after a good night's sleep and breakfast, I went for a dip over the side to have another go at scrubbing barnacles. Again the visibility was very poor, maybe about a meter at best. I focused on the starboard side which does not seem as foul as the port side which was a little encouraging seeing as I won't be able to haul out for another month or so. At 1100, with the dinghy stowed on deck, we got under way, sailing from anchor and making our way out of Horseshoe Bay, coming onto the wind as we cleared the eastern side of the island, put in three tacks to work our way south back into Cleveland Bay, then beam reaching towards Townsville and the dredged channel into the Breakwater Marina. At 1350 I brought Sylph into the wind, started the BRM, handed sail, and motored into the channel and the marina, coming alongside at 1430 after a little confusion on my part as to my assigned berth (F16 but for some unknown reason I had F15 in my head). Now we are all secured, Sylph has had a fresh water wash down, we have checked in at the office and are ready to go meet my brother, Micheal, and family. All is well. |