Chain Bay Day 3

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 19 Mar 2024 05:28
Wind: NE, F3 - gentle breeze
Sea: rippled Swell: S, 0.5 m
Weather: sunny, warm
We have enjoyed a pleasant day at anchor now that the rain has cleared and the sun is shining, including a swim and a short bush walk. Tomorrow a southerly change is forecast, indeed the Bureau has issued a gale warning. I am not keen to knowingly head offshore in gales; however, the favourable wind peters out on Thursday and I do not want to get stuck battling more light winds and contrary currents. So the plan is to weigh anchor at 0800 before the change arrives so as not to be caught on a lee shore, and start heading up the coast. If conditions prove too uncomfortable we will pull in to Jervis Bay and anchor for the night, otherwise I hope to press on overnight for Wollongong.
All is well