Light Winds

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 10 Jul 2021 04:14
Noon Position: 36 18.2 S   139 11.3 E
Course: NW  Speed: 4.5 knots
Wind: NNE  F3   Sea: slight   Swell: W 1.5 meters
Weather: sunny with patches of fog, cool
Days run: 77 nm sailed, 55 nm made good.
The wind fell light yesterday afternoon and remained light all night. I am keen to get across the Coorong Bight (it doesn’t have a name from what I can see but this is what I am calling the coastline between Robe and Kangaroo Island) before the wind freshens again from the north, which it is forecast to do early Sunday morning. To this end, I started the motor at 1600. Five hours later I had had enough of the noise and I needed some sleep. I thought I would shut down the engine for an hour and get some rest then, if necessary, start it up again. At 2200 I had a look around and found that a light breeze had sprung up and we were able to sail. We were only making good 2 knots but I have come to the conclusion that I would rather punch into a gale then stay up all night listening to the motor rattle away.
At midnight, with the gentle breeze backing into the north, we tacked, making good a course of ENE, pretty much at right angles to our desired heading but the ride was smooth and peaceful.
At 0310 we were drifting again. Feeling relatively rested, I once more resorted to the BRM. We motored for another two hours before a light breeze returned – up jib, down engine. And I am pleased and relieved to say that we have been sailing comfortably since then. Admittedly the breeze is a headwind and I think it unlikely that we will gain the shelter of Victor Harbor before it freshens significantly, but the forecast is for about 18 to 25 knots so hopefully conditions will be quite manageable. And, by then, I trust we will not have too far to go.
All is well.