Confronting the Heads
Position: Alongside Sato Ne Today has been cold and windy, definitely not an outdoors sort of day, so slow and quiet. This afternoon I at long last took on a repair that needed to be made to the heads. The plastic base on which the porcelain bowl is bolted has a crack in it. I am not sure how it happened, presumably I, or maybe a guest, fell against the bowl which twisted the base and caused it to crack. Needless to say having a slow leak in one's toilet bowl is not very attractive, but it is also a most unattractive job to tackle, so I have been putting it off for quite a while. But today, seeing as outside was less pleasant then in, I looked at it, and decided to get stuck into it. So the head is now in pieces, everything has been cleaned and disinfected, I have glued the crack up, and tomorrow I will put it all back together again. This evening I did the laundry while having a soak in the onsen at the hotel, then, as it was rather late, I had dinner at a local restaurant. Unfortunately no one could speak any English which made life challenging, but I managed to come away well fed, with a couple of shochus under the belt, for a very reasonable price. All is well. |