Oil Fields by Moon Light

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 20 Aug 2011 03:16
Course: Southwest, Speed 5 knots
Wind: Southeast, F3 gentle breeze
Weather: mostly cloudy, mild
Day's run: 82 nm
Bass Strait continues to be gentle with us; in fact last night as we were running wing on wing before the easterly breeze, the stars shining brightly in the clear sky overhead, Sylph rolling gently to the swell, the water gurgling soothingly along her sides, I thought this is just about as good as it gets. Come midnight however the wind had died off, the mainsail was slatting heavily and my soporific mood changed to a somewhat less peaceful one as I dropped the mainsail and then fought with the drifter halyard in the dark trying to clear a foul lead at the masthead. But eventually, at the third hoist, I got the drifter set to my satisfaction, and then retired below for a rest while the bright lights of the oil rigs drifted ever so slowly by to our north.
Come daylight sufficient wind had risen to allow the mainsail once more to be set without slatting and then by mid morning to drop the drifter and set the jib. Now we are drawing along at a very comfortable five knots.
Melbourne is looking a lot closer then it did a few weeks ago. Here my family is planning a bit of a get together to celebrate amongst other things the latest addition to the Williams clan, a little boy named Archer. Congratulations Monica and Mark. A much happier occasion then our last gathering, I am looking forward to it very much.
All is well.