Heading South Mk II.

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 7 Feb 2021 03:22
1500 Position: 45 58.5 S 170 46.0 E
Course SW Speed 6 knots
Wind: NE F5 Sea: moderate Swell: NE 1m
Weather: overcast, mild
With the windvane repaired and a favourable weather pattern in the offing, I decided to make the most of the opportunity and continue on our way. At 1130, an hour before high water, we started the engine, made sure Oli was on board, then slipped our shore
lines and motored out of Otago Harbour. The forecast for today was for fresh NE’lies and I wasn’t sure what the conditions would be like at the heads, with the beginning of the ebb tide by the time we got there and an opposing wind, so I was prepared to go
to anchor if the conditions looked nasty. However, on arrival at the heads, the seas were lumpy but did not look like anything Sylph couldn’t handle comfortably, so we pressed on. Sylph dipped her bow a few times and Oli expressed his displeasure by borrowing
into the back end of the quarter berth but the discomfort was short lived and on clearing Taiaroa Head we were soon able to bear away putting wind and sea aft of the beam.
Now we are on Sylph’s favourite point of sail, running wing on wing with the wind on her starboard quarter. While the windvane is performing as it should, I regret to report that I can hear some creaking sounds coming from its general direction, which
presumably means there is some movement in one of the struts. I have checked and tightened all the nuts that I can get to but unfortunately it hasn’t made any difference. Well, I was undecided as to whether to stop at Stewart Island or not, but given the creaking
noises, I think it will be wise to stop and thoroughly check everything over before attempting to continue up the west coast.
All is well.