Kicking Back

Position: At anchor Bahia San Lucas The weather …. well, we won't talk about that, I might want to …. well, I won't talk about that either. Meanwhile I make the most of my enforced confinement in Mexico. Perhaps the system reckons I haven't spent enough pesos yet to be allowed to leave. Well, while kicking back I have found a nice little Mexican restaurant, the Ritas Fajitas, where the service is superb, prices are reasonable, the food and wine is good, and which has a good quality internet connection. I was sitting here late one night, having wrapped up a nice conversation with a friend back home via Skype (the 21st century is well and truly here), having enjoyed a nice meal, a few glasses of vino, and some entertainment when I was invited to join a table behind me. A little to my embarrassment I discovered that the diners at the table were not in fact patrons but rather the table belonged (literally) to the owner and the other 'diners' were his friends, including the pretty Venezuelan lady who had entertained us earlier. It turns out that the owner, Gaston Espino, had only opened the restaurant a month ago and had noticed that I had visited his establishment regularly over the previous few days and was curious about me. Gaston was generous, especially with the mescal, and proved to be an interesting man (most people are when you listen to their stories). He owned two other restaurants, and clearly had some good business sense, but what I found particularly fascinating was his artistic bent. I had noticed a few of the pictures decorating the walls, finding two of them to be quite powerful, and was surprised to learn that he had created them. I will post some photos, but of course I will not be able to do the originals justice. Meanwhile I take advantage of the enforced delay to do a few chores. The laundry has been done, tomorrow I will do some last minute grocery shopping, that is if the supermarket is open on a public holiday, and then Tuesday I will have my fingers crossed that the Port Captain will deem the weather benign enough to allow the gringo to leave. All is well. |