Arrived Stewart Island

Position: 46 54.31 S 168 07.25 E We enjoyed a near ideal run from Dunedin to Stewart Island with a moderate to fresh fair breeze for most of the trip. We were able to wing-on-wing down the entire coast, with a reefed mainsail only being required for the early hours of this morning when the wind freshened to about 20 knots. This afternoon as we were approaching Stewart Island, contrary to the forecast 25 knot winds, the breeze faded to nothing and had us motoring for an hour primarily to stabilise Sylph’s motion in the residual short swell. However, we were soon in amongst the smaller islands that lie off Stewart Island’s eastern side and were able to make use of the gentle breeze that returned shortly thereafter. At 1700 we sailed in through the entrance to Paterson Inlet and at 1750 came to anchor in the small pretty surrounds of Golden Bay. There are a number of boats moored and anchored here as the township of Oban is just over the rise. Tomorrow we will visit the town to see what facilities are available and to obtain any relevant information from the Department of Conservation before exploring some of the more remote areas of the island. The sun is shining and the anchorage is calm. All is well. |