Arrived Puerto Montt

Position: 41 29.99 S 072 59.26 WAlongside Club Nautico Reloncavi, Puerto Montt Weather: mostly sunny, mild Day’s Run 74 nm As we closed Puerto Montt last night and gained the shelter of a weather shore conditions quickly settled and turned into a pleasant night sail under a full moon. Approaching the entrance to Canal Tenglo, I cast a backward glance over my shoulder, our Chilean adventure was drawing to a close. But with little time for reflection I handed sail, started the engine, a machine I have become more intimate with than I would have chosen, and we carefully made our way up the narrow, well marked channel. After half an hour or so of slow motoring we came across a marina recognizable by the many yacht masts I could see silhouetted against the background shore lights. It seemed as good as anywhere, I found a convenient spot to bring Sylph alongside, then turned in. It was near to midnight. This morning I strolled up to the office and announced my arrival. The staff looked at each other than out the window of the third storey tower towards Sylph, presumably surprised that I had snuck in and no one had noticed. Today has been leisurely. a long shower, a general clean up and some initial thinking about the coming weeks and Sylph’s refit. All is well. Bob Cat: It has stopped - peace, quiet, warmth (the heater is on) and rest ... But now, no tuna! Meeowargh! Where was I, yes, rest … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |