Departing NZ Tomorrow
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 4 May 2021 03:54
Position: 35 50.29 S 174 28.14 E
Alongside Marsden Cove Marina
Wind: calm Sea: calm Swell: nil
Weather: cloudy, mild
Day’s Run: 6 nm
On Sunday we motored from Parua Bay back to our anchorage
in Hatea River off Kissing Point. On Monday Kate and I took Oli to the vet for his final check-up and for the issue of his export permit. Now we have five days as of yesterday to leave New Zealand otherwise we have to start the whole process again.
The weather still looks good for leaving tomorrow though
likely a bit windier than ideal as we get up towards North Cape, but I figure once we are clear of the North Island we will have plenty of sea room to run off if we need to. So, this morning we weighed anchor and motored to Marsden Cove Marina situated near
the entrance of Whangarei Harbour. We will stay here for the night and tomorrow will clear out with New Zealand Customs at 1000.
All is well.