Next Stop Mexico

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 14 Jan 2016 00:29
Course: South Speed: 3.5 knots
Wind: West nor' west F2-3 light to gentle breeze
Sea: slight Swell: west 2 meters
Weather: cloudy, mild
This morning I caught a bus into the city to visit the customs office and clear out of the US. This did not take long and once complete I headed back to the San Diego Yacht Club, where Sylph was waiting for me alongside the guest dock ready to go. I jumped aboard, started the BRM, cast off the dock lines, recalled Ishmael's immortal words, and we were away.
The winds are light but sufficient to keep the mainsail from slatting, and I have set the dirfter in lieu of the jib. Our next port of call is Ensenada in Mexico. It is only sixty miles away and I am hoping the breeze will hold to allow us to sail all the way. If we maintain our current speed, a quite respectable three and a half knots for the light winds, we will arrive at Ensenada around dawn.
All is well.