
Noon Position: 44 4615. N 062 28.4 W Course/Speed: Drifting Wind: 0 I awoke to the alarm at 6 a.m., took a look on deck and saw
fog and barely a ripple on the water, there seemed little point in getting away
too early so I let Paul sleep and made myself a cup of tea. A crab boat
came in about 8.30 to unload and I asked the crew what conditions were like
outside, “Great!” they said. “Any wind?” “Nope.” “Fog?” “Yep.” Good conditions for crabbing it seems though not so good for
sailing, but the forecast is for south-west winds later today and the crabber
said the sea was calm so we figured we may as well be at sea waiting for wind
as in harbour, at least then when the wind comes we will be ready to set sail
and make the most of it. So at 10.25 a.m. we slipped from the Fishing
Co-op wharf and motored out of |