Resting in Refuge Cove

Noon Position: 39 02.48 S 146 27 91 E It had been a long night navigating our way round the granite strewn coastline of Wilsons Promontory and avoiding the shipping that converges through the traffic separation scheme to its south. At dawn, having made our way past the Promontory and its more immediate hazards, we found ourselves pitching into a light headwind and a short sea, and a short distance from Refuge Cove. The Cove is a pretty spot, with its shoreline of granite boulders broken by two stretches of white sandy beach. Set in among natural bushland, as its name suggests, it provides good shelter for small vessels, particular from the south-west gales that frequently pass through Bass Strait. We have such a gale forecast for tomorrow. I was tired, the wind was against us, and a gale was coming. I decided to go into the Cove and take refuge. All is well. |