Return to Eden (minus the soap)*

Position: 37 04.36 S 149 54.01 E The wind continued to freshen during the afternoon and Sylph continued to make good time down the coast running wing on wing before it. I was hoping to carry the breeze around the south-east corner of Australia and into Bass Strait at least as far as the next bolt hole in Refuge Cove, perhaps as far as Port Philip. It is always a bit tricky getting around this corner so the possibility of doing it in one hit was very tempting. However, as I pored over the weather charts yesterday afternoon it seemed that the chances of getting to Refuge Cove before an intense low hit were equally low. Not fancying the consequences of getting caught out in Bass Strait with forty plus knots of wind, lashings of rain and limited sea room, caution seemed the better part of valour so, reluctantly, I set a way-point for Twofold Bay, adjusted course and trimmed the sails. We came under the lee of Worang Point at 02.00 this morning where a huge brightly lit bulk carrier lay at anchor, awaiting a cargo of wood chips - I shuddered as I thought about how many trees it would take to fill her rapacious holds. As we came under the headland’s lee the wind eased but the swell wrapped around the point and made for a lot of rolling, slatting of sails and general discomfort. I furled the headsail, started the engine (still a BRM**) and motored the remaining few miles into Snug Cove. At 03.20 we dropped anchor in seven meters among a crowd of other small vessels. Then, after a quick tidy up, I hit the rack. All is well.
* Australia’s successful reply (apparently) to the US soap’s, Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest, none of which, I hasten to add, I have ever watched, including Return to Eden ( Of course, I do not intend to suggest that my blog is not equally as dramatic as these icons of late 20th century afternoon television; however, there is a definite shortage of soap on a small boat at sea, or at least fresh water in which to dissolve it. Speaking of which ... ** Bright Red Machine, as my trusty blog followers (hello, anyone there?) will know. Sorry, it’s been a while. |