Sydney to Hobart Classic Regatta

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 8 Dec 2023 08:25
Today Sylph competed in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race Classic Regatta with crew Ada, Tim and Ash. To participate the boat has to have been built before 1975 and sailed in at least one Sydney to Hobart yacht race, criterion which Sylph clearly
meets. Today's race was an invitation race for all boats starting at 14.00 on a scratch start with nineteen boats competing. We got off to a reasonable start, short tacking up the harbour against a stiff N'ly, one reef in the main and number two headsail on
the foil. By the time we got to the turning marks at Manly, we were second last, a position we maintained for the rest of the race, which was mostly a downhill run back up the harbour, finishing in Rushcutters Bay. While we crossed the finish line second last,
on corrected time we came seventh, a result I am quite satisfied with.
Tomorrow's race is a pursuit start where each boat starts at a time based on their handicap. The race start time is 1200 and Sylph's start time is 1212, second over the line in our division, with ten boats in the division. The final race is
on Sunday, which is another scratch start.
Our main objective in the regatta is to have fun and not to damage Sylph in any way which might compromise her making the start for the Sydney to Hobart. So far so good.
All is well.