Kangaroo Island

Position: 35 38.89 S
137 40 80 E I wasn't sure what I was going to do this morning. I knew I didn't particularly want to stay at Rapid Bay but nor was there anywhere else within the time limits I have available that I was drawn to explore either. I need to be back in Adelaide by next Wednesday for a medical appointment but I do not want to go back to Adelaide any sooner than I need to, with little of appeal there for the moment. I contemplated the problem from the comfort of my bunk until nine o'clock then at last decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and went out on deck for a look around then back below for a late breakfast. Pondering the forecast I at last decided to go over to Kangaroo Island. I am in need of some fresh supplies and I thought the weather would be suitable for making a stop at Kingscote. I had hoped to be able to get some at Rapid Bay but the kiosk at the sports ground that is the community's general store was closed with no signs indicating when it might reopen. So, at 1140, we weighed anchor and sailed out of Rapid Bay, past Rapid Head where we found rather fluky conditions caused by the hilly terrain of Cape Jervis. We eventually broke free of its wind shadow and found fresh SE'lies out in Investigator Strait. Initially we were hard on the wind but as we made our way south the wind veered more into the east and we were able to ease sheets for broad reach and a speedy crossing. Thus, despite our late start we found ourselves rounding the southern end of 'The Spit' and approaching Kingscote at a little after 1800. As we closed the township it became clear that conditions were a little boisterous for a comfortable night at anchor so I abandoned our approach and motored back to 'The Spit' to anchor in the lee of Beatrice Islets. These islets are really little more than a drying sand bar and indeed the only way I could see one of them was that there was a flock of seagulls standing on the water. Once Sylph was tucked in behind the shelter of the seagulls' sanctuary, we stopped the engine and dropped anchor in four meters of water in what appears to be a weedy bottom. Tomorrow the wind is forecast to ease a little so I am hoping I will be able to anchor off Kingscote at least for the afternoon to be able to get ashore and get some fresh supplies. If not we will just have to make do with what we have on board. Fortunately we still have plenty of dried and tinned food left over from our circumnavigation stores. Tonight I am having pizza. All is well. |