
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 3 Dec 2018 08:57

At Anchor Monk Bay
Wind: NW-SW,  F3-6 – gentle to strong breeze
Sea: slight     Swell: nil
Weather: mostly cloudy, cool, showers

Today was a quiet day at anchor waiting for the strong winds to abate.  Tucked into Monks Bay and sheltered by its hilly surrounds we have only felt the occasional gust but a little beyond the headland I could see the waves built up into numerous short white blocks. I was happy to be snug at anchor.

Conditions are now improving (19.00), the wind has eased and the rain has cleared.  I contacted the bridge operator at Dunalley earlier today and have arranged for the bridge to be open at about 8.00.  It is five miles from here to the entrance so I will need to get up around 6.00 to allow plenty of time to get the dinghy inboard and the anchor raised.  The canal is shallow and Sylph will need the tide to get through the six and half miles of channels to be able to exit at Marion Narrows before the tide has ebbed too far.

All is well.