Day 178 – A Fair Breeze

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Thu 9 Jun 2022 06:16
Course: E Speed: 5 knots
Wind: S Force 3
Sea: slight Swell: ESE 2.5 m
Weather: sunny, mild
Day’s Run: 115 nm
The wind has remained gentle to moderate from the south since yesterday afternoon and we have been under full sail except for a few hours around sunset when some dark threatening clouds were building up to the west. I put in a precautionary reef but the clouds amounted to nothing, the sky cleared and the stars shone again, so we shook out the reef at 2045 and continued beam reaching under full sail to the pleasant southerly breeze.
The steady breeze continues for now though we are expecting some light variable winds ahead of a N’ly change sometime later today. At this stage the outlook for further progress east appears good with the passage of a front due tomorrow and then SW to W winds behind the front for a couple of days.
The loaf of bread I baked yesterday, while a little on the heavy side, has turned out quite edible and this forenoon I took the opportunity to bake another loaf before the weather turns more boisterous tomorrow. Today's loaf appears to have turned out much better.
All is well.