
Position: 35 39.40 S 137 38.56 E The winds eased overnight and indeed by morning all was calm. So, after a morning jog along the beach, a swim over the side and then breakfast, we started the engine, optimistically hoisted the mainsail, weighed anchor, and at 0920 set course for Kingscote. I am pleased to say that my optimism was not unfounded and forty minutes later a light breeze filled in from the south, allowing us to unroll the jib and shut down the BRM. We managed to keep the sails full and Sylph moving at three to five knots in the light and at times fickle breeze until we were well into Nepean Bay. Here the wind fell to a whisper from the south such that we were making very little headway, and once again in the wrong direction. So, with a view to getting into Kingscote before the shops closed, I furled the jib and flashed up the engine. We only ended up motoring for twenty minutes for once we had rounded the beacon marking the southern end of 'The Spit', a light breeze sprung up again and once more we were able to set the jib and shut down the engine. This time the breeze remained with us until we arrived at our anchorage off Kingscote just to the south of the jetty. At 1400, I rounded Sylph into the wind, handed the main and let go the anchor in four meters of water. Our next job is to go ashore and get in some fresh supplies. All is well. |