Cape Nelson

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 15 Dec 2024 02:22

Noon Position: 38 51.7 S 143 34.7 E
Course: WNW Speed: 5.5 knots
Wind: ENE, F3 - gentle breeze
Sea: slight Swell: SW 2 meters
Weather: sunny, mild
Day's run: 104 nm

As expected, the wind slowly backed around to the NE during the night. At 0100, with the wind in the SE, I poled the jib out to port, the code zero and mainsail to starboard. At 0415, with the wind now in the east, I handed the code zero and gybed, the jib now poled to starboard. At 0605, the wind backed further into the NE, I dropped the pole and set the jib to port, Sylph broad reaching at a steady five knots. And now, at midday, the wind has veered into the east. I have been a bit adventurous in setting the spinnaker. Hopefully I won't regret doing so when I need to bring it in again - often a rather fraught undertaking as a single-hander.

Overall, given the relatively light conditions, I am happy with our day's run of just over a hundred miles. We have just passed Cape Nelson and Portland and later this afternoon we will cross into South Australian waters. Tonight we will likely be back to punching into a headwind from the north, but by tomorrow afternoon the forecast is for the wind to veer further into the SW and freshen, which should have us crossing the open waters of Encounter Bay to Backstairs Passage on a fast beam reach.

ETA Adelaide remains Wednesday morning.

All is well.